Advanced Open Water Diver
Advanced Open Water Diver
What will you learn?
You learn how:
• Plan dives to deal with the physiological effects and challenges of deeper scuba diving.
• Refines your compass navigation skills and helps you better navigate using kick-cycles, visual landmarks and time.
• Learn more in what interests you most – photography, buoyancy control, fish identification, dive in streams and many more.
Price Course
Rental equipment included
* The mandatory 13% VAT is not included in the price.
Advanced Open Water Diver Course Description
Course Minimum Requirements
PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers who are at least 12 years old are ready to step up and enroll in an Advanced Open Water Diver course. Young divers may only participate in certain Adventures Dives – check with your PADI Instructor.
Get credit! Each Adventure Dive may credit toward the first dive of the corresponding PADI Specialty Diver Course. If you’ve already taken a specialty diver course, ask your instructor if you’ve earned credit for an Adventure Dive.
What scuba gear will you use?
Beyond using basic scuba equipment, you’ll need a compass and dive knife or dive tool. You’ll also use specialized gear depending on the Adventure Dives you choose. Your PADI Instructor will explain the equipment that you need and may suggest additional gear, such as dive light for night diving or lift bag for search and recovery diving.
Adventure Dives
You’ll plan your learning path with your instructor by choosing from a long list of Adventure Dives. There are two required dives – Deep and Underwater Navigation – and you choose the other three, for a total of five dives.